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In the Corpus of Czech Verse, we use our own, simplified phonetic transcription (PhoEBE – Phonetics in Eight-Bits Encoding), which matches one sound with one basic alphanumeric diacritics-free sign. The table shows the signs used in the CCV in comparison with the the Czech Phonetic Transcription, , the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and the X-SAMPA system.
a a a a strofa
e ɛ E e triolet
ɪ ɪ I i lyrika
o o o o trochej
u u u u metrum
á a: a: A báseň
é ɛ: E: E cézura
í i: i: I rýmovník
ó o: o: O óda
ú u: u: U půlverš
ou͡ ou͡ o_u 0 dvouverší
au͡ au͡ a_u 1 klauzule
eu͡ eu͡ e_u 2 eufonie
m m m m madrigal
ɱ ɱ F 6 amfibrach
n n n n rondel
ŋ ŋ N 5 blankvers
ň ɲ J N píseň
p p p p poezie
b b b b balada
t t t t tercína
d d d d daktyl
ť c c T šestiverší
ď ɟ J\ D předěl
k k k k kasída
g g g g elegie
ʔ ʔ ? ʔanapest
c ʦ t_s c siciliána
ʒ ʧ d_z c Špicberky
č ʣ t_S 3 časomíra
ʒ̆ d͡ʒ ʤ 4 lučba
f f f f ferekratej
v v v v versifikace
s s s s sonet
z z z z gazel
š ʃ S S verš
ž ʒ Z Z syžet
x x x x choliamb
ɣ ɣ G x Bar-Kochba
h ɦ h\ h hexametr
l l l l limerik
r r r r rým
ř P\ R řádek
ř̭ r̝̊ Q\ P přízvuk
j j j j jamb
slabikotvorné souhlásky
r= Q pentametr
l= L mlha
m= M sedmnáctiverší
n= B hymn
s= J pssst
š̥ ʃ̩ S= K pšššt
z= W bzzz
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This website was created with support of the Czech Science Foundation as part of the P406/11/1825 (The History and Theory of the 19th Century Czech Verse) and 17-01723S (Stylometric Analysis of Poetic Texts) projects and with support aiming at a long-term, conception-based development of a research institution (no. 68378068).
© 2024 Petr Plecháč