separator |
m-score |
window | |
P(sounds) | |
P(n-grams) |
rhythmic types | MFT: | |
rhythmic n-grams | MFT: | n: 2345 |
rhyme sounds | MFT: | |
rhyme word-lengths | MFT: | |
rhyme stress placement | MFT: | |
sound frequencies | MFT: |
words | MFT: | |
lemmata | MFT: | |
tags | MFT: | |
character n-grams | MFT: | n: 2345 |
dendrogram (Burrows' Delta) | metric: | clustering: | |
support vector machine | kernel: | degree: | penalty: |
Ingram is a web interface for kveta, rhymeTagger, and sticho Python packages.
For any Czech or English poetic text(s) uploaded by user it provides:
The result is also available in machine readable JSON format.
Following parameters of versification analysis may be specified:
Two popular classifiers may be used for stylometric analysis: Burrows' Delta (nearest neitnghbour classifier) and the support vector machine (SVM). With Burrows' Delta one may specify the metric to be applied and the clustering technique that is going to be used in the dendrogram representing the results. With SVM one may specify the kernel to be used (linear/polynomial, in case of latter also its degree) and the penalty parameter.
For SVM leave-one-out cross validation is performed and accuracy is reported. Result of classification of the input text (TARGET) is given as a "VERDICT". Details are shown in the chord diagram, where nodes labeled in UPPERCASE represent the classes (authors) + input text (TARGET) and nodes labeled in lowercase represent particular samples. Edges represent particular predictions of cross-validation and the final verdict.
For Burrows' Delta accuracy is calculated as the portion of samples having sample by the same author as a nearest neighbour in a given vector space. Author of the sample that is the nearest neighbour of the input text (TARGET) is reported as a "VERDICT". Details are shown in dendrogram based on the metric specified in the "settings" section.
Plecháč, Petr (2019). Ingram. Versification and stylometric analysis tool. Prague: Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences. Available at <>.
John Kells Ingram (1823–1907) was an Irish mathematician and economist. In 1874 he published a pioneering article "On the weak endings of Shakspere, with some account of the history of verse-tests in general" using versification analysis in the process of authorship recognition.
read more at wikipedia
Tyto stránky byly vytvořeny s podporou Grantové agentury ČR v rámci projektů P406/11/1825 (Dějiny a teorie českého verše 19. století) a 17-01723S (Stylometrická analýza básnických textů) a s podporou na dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné instituce 68378068.
© 2025 Petr Plecháč