Semantics and Intonation of Early 20th Century Czech Verse
2020–2022This project focuses on early 20th century Czech poetry, and deals specifically with poets classified as post-symbolists or “rebels” (K. Toman, V. Dyk, F. Šrámek a F. Gellner). For this project, we will analyze the verse semantics and intonation of these authors’ texts. Verse semantics will be studied using topic-modelling, accompanied throughout by close consideration of individual texts, namely their history and specific context. Verse intonation will be experimentally analyzed on the corpus of sound recordings compiled for this project and using modern statistical methods. The project is supported by our collaboration with prominent local and international colleagues (the Institute of Phonetics at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University; university departments in St. Petersburg and Tartu). Our results will take the form of journal articles—published both domestically and abroad—as well as a final monograph.